Reflecting on these last four years is something that I didn’t really want to do, not because I’m lazy and just don’t want to do the work, but because there are moments in these past years that I don’t want to acknowledge. So instead of looking back on memories, I want to share the lessons I learned while trying to survive high school.
Lesson number one: you shouldn’t rely on other people for your own happiness. This was probably the biggest lesson I took away from school. I’m not saying that you can’t have people around you that encourage your happiness, but becoming dependent on these people is when you might need to start looking deeper. My freshman year was the first full year of COVID-19. I spent a lot of time alone, which led to depression and this false sense of security when I was with other people. Over the two-ish years following COVID, I realized that it was ONLY with other people when I felt happy, which led to me being even more depressed when I was alone. I had to try and look deeper into the people I was “happy” around, and I realized that it was just the presence of other people that made me feel content. The people I was with kind of sucked.
Lesson number two: quality over quantity. Having two really good friends is better than having a lot of mediocre acquaintances. A good friend is someone who you don’t have to change yourself at all around, they’re someone who you just click with. Someone who sticks with you no matter what issues you have going on. Believe it or not, a good friend is someone who can be so brutally honest with you that to anyone else it seems like bullying, but you both are able to take it in stride and appreciate it.
Lesson number three: Nobody cares about what you wear, say, think, look like, etc. People care about you. They should care about your hopes, dreams, fears, your mood, etc. The people who care about those previously listed things are struggling with their own insecurities and as cliche as it sounds. Focus on making yourself a good person rather than “hot.”
I learned these lessons the hard way, by living through them. However, I had some amazing, influential people to guide me along the way.
I don’t think I would have been able to get through high school without some of the amazing influences I had. Having teachers and adults you can trust and bond with can make the years so much easier. It’s easier to try and get along with teachers than spend all of your time looking for something wrong with them.
Mr. Cummings- You have supported me throughout my last three years here and became like a father figure to me, a school dad. This semester has been one of the hardest for me outside of school, but starting my day with you helped me get through the rest of my day. I’m going to miss your support, your random comments and jokes, but mostly I’m just going to miss you.
Ms. Duffy- I can’t even begin to explain how much I am going to miss you. I know I’ve annoyed you and frustrated you countless times over the last four years and honestly, you deserve a freaking medal for putting up with my crap. You have such an amazing outlook on life and such a big heart for all of your students. From kindergarten to senior year, I can genuinely say you’re the best music/choir teacher ever.
Ms. Obry (Mrs. Boucher)- Although I never had you as an actual teacher, I can still say that you’re one of my favorites. Even though you were only my coach for like two months into the school year, I appreciated still being able to come to your room and rant whenever something was happening. You and Jack had a lot to do with how high school has shaped me as a person. Typing out your name as “Ms. Obry” made me feel icky; you’ll always be Taylor, no matter how “disrespectful” it seems to my parents.
Some teachers are meant to be teachers.
As I am graduating after first semester, I get a handful of questions along the lines of “Are you sad to be leaving?” The truth is, no, I’m not. I’m sad to leave my friends and those teachers, but other than that, I’m ready to get out of here.
As for the future, I plan to start at Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) in the fall as a marketing major. Between now and then, I plan to work as a manager at my place of work and possibly bartend at my uncle’s indoor golf center. For about a year, I have been set on majoring in journalism because of how fun Mr. Cummings made it. After doing my own exploring I found that it was really just the marketing side of journalism that I enjoyed so much.
Thank you Oshkosh North and the teachers who dealt with my ability to push all of their boundaries.
Natalie Gray • Jan 17, 2024 at 4:19 pm