Oshkosh North choir performs for Tony Evers


Madysen Alvarez, Writer

On Friday, Jan. 20, the Oshkosh North Chorale sang and performed for the Wisconsin State Education Convention in Milwaukee.

Students were able to meet and perform for Wisconsin’s Governor, Tony Evers, at the largest convention for education leaders in Wisconsin, where 2,000 people attended the three-day event.

“The choir did really good,” senior Kaylee Schlenske says. “The space was funny with the sound but we still sounded fine, and we got a standing ovation from Tony Evers.”

They performed four songs (“Chua-ay,” “In Meeting We Are Blessed,” “Miri It Is,” and “Dziedot Dzimu”) all of which they have been practicing since autumn.

“It went really well. We got a lot of feedback and a standing ovation from the hundreds of people. It was a really cool experience,” senior Sam Brown says.

Choir director Bridget Duffy-Ulrich explained how Chorale was chosen to perform at the convention.

“For both convention performances, I submitted recordings from the last couple of years. They are reviewed by a panel anonymously, and then groups are chosen to perform.”

For the first convention, all choirs performed, and for the second, North was the only choir to perform.

“It was a huge honor,” Duffy said.

The choir received two plaques recognizing their performances.

Choir has several upcoming events as well. The musical is happening from Feb. 16 through 19. On March 14, there will be a Pops concert held at Alberta Kimball Auditorium located at Oshkosh West, where students choose popular music to perform alongside the Oshkosh West High School Choir. They will also perform during the graduation ceremony at the end of the year.

“The students have really risen to the occasion,” Duffy said when recalling the year so far. “They worked really hard and stepped up this year. It’s been fun to see them grow and take on these new things.”