Top New Years Resolutions that FAIL


Areena Sorani, Writer

It’s 2023!! The new year has finally come, but that doesn’t always mean a new you. Making new year’s resolutions is a tradition that has been going on for ages, but how many people actually follow through with them? This article discusses some of the most cliche New year’s goals that end up failing almost always.  

The first most common goal is hitting the gym and working out more. Planet Fitness and the YMCA get the most sales around January because these companies use the concept of ‘New Years’  to make a lot of money. People buy the monthly subscription at the beginning of the year, but fail to find motivation after the first few times of attending and fail to plan around their schedule. They end up losing motivation – and money – as well as any of the progress they might’ve made, but the gyms only profit off of their failed resolutions.

The next goal is similar to working out, because most people stick to the goal for about a month, then go off track, and end up losing money, and that is dieting. It is common for people to want to lose weight in the upcoming year to better their health and confidence, but many approach the goal terribly by restricting too many calories right away instead of slowly working their way down in a deficit. This can cause symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and stomach aches since your body hasn’t gotten used to the lack of calories. It can also cause eating disorders like anorexia or binge eating disorder. If someone wants to lose weight, it’s important to make sure they know how to start in a healthy way and keep it going healthy.

Quitting ___: whether it’s smoking, drinking, binging, etc. Quitting a bad habit or addiction suddenly usually ends up in withdrawals, cravings and failure. 

Being Happy. You can’t just go from being depressed or stressed to happy in a couple of days, and certainly you can’t choose to feel a certain emotion, well unless of course its forced, but even then you’re just putting on a persona of happiness and it’ll end up in emptiness. Only about 16 percent of people are able to follow their resolutions, according to research. The majority give up within one to six weeks of starting, and many of these resolutions are repeated year after year. according to The economic times. Creating a habit takes a long time, up to 66 days so that is why starting a new habit is difficult, and leads to failure. It just leaves people with wasted money, time and disappointment. 

New year’s resolutions are a tradition that should be stopped. Don’t wait until new years to spark a change in your life, because if the desire to change was real then you’d start right away. And since resolutions are goal oriented rather than process oriented this creates a mindset of “doing whatever it takes to get to the goal” which creates unrealistic goals, and ways to achieve them which is unhealthy.