Is the food you’re eating actually healthy?

Yuka app helps consumers find better options


Katie Wetterau, Writer

Beginning March of 2020, the global COVID pandemic changed how people live.
As schools went virtual and people started disinfecting their groceries, they found more time on their hands. With this, most started to pay attention to mental and physical health. People started working out and trying to eat healthier.
Often, people relied on apps to lead the charge in changing their lives. Many stumbled upon a life-changing app known as Yuka.
Yuka Is a software app available on the App Store and Google Play. Yuka scans the barcode of food and personal care products to decipher the ingredients and the nutritional value of the product. Using this knowledge, Yuka breaks down and evaluates the impact an item has on people’s health.
This app is non-biased (no brands pay Yuka to advertise a good rating). It also puts out highly accurate information for every product out there.
Using Yuka, it is very surprising to find foods once believed “healthy” not very nutritional at all . The cereal promoted with “health facts” actually carries several health risks.
Here is a small list of five healthy alternatives to foods commonly advertised as healthy.