UW-Eau Claire’s Singing Statesmen Visit at North


Grace VanDerhei, Chief editor

On Tuesday, November 5 the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire’s Signing Statemens visited Oshkosh North for the first time since the 2014-2015 school year after an opening in their schedule occured due to a cancellation in their original tour lineup.

The singers went on a three-day tour to high schools with strong choir programs, which according to their director, was the “highlight of their season”, and yesterday was the second day of their tour. The Singing Statemens is just one of the six student-composed vocal ensemble groups on the Bluegold campus and one of the few all-male choir ensembles on campus.

Oshkosh North Choir instructor Bridget Duffy invited the entire school to attend the performance during 5th and 6th periods in the LRB. The group sang a variety of songs, ranging from comical to sentimental, in addition to singing songs in other languages such as German. A few classes were in attendance between both the hours, and many students came down to experience the show on their own.

According to senior Olivia Youngbauer, the performance was a unique opportunity, and one she enjoyed. 

“I thought the concert was really good. I enjoy choir concerts, and they are not something I typically have the chance to go to,” said Youngbauer. “My favorite part [of the show] was when they acted in the first song. It was pretty funny.”

The song she is referring to being an Irish folk song in which the singers made gestures and humorous facial expressions.  

Youngbauer also said, “The only concert I’ve been to are high school or middle school ones, so it was neat to experience a college-level choir.”

The North students who had the opportunity to see the choir received the chance to experience a college-level performance right in their own school. As for the UW-Eau Claire Singing Statesmen, they will finish the final day of their tour today and eventually make their way back to Eau Claire.