2019/2020 School Year “Need-to-Knows”


George Yanacek, Columns Editor

Welcome back! As the new school year begins, a few things have changed. Whether you are new at North or are returning, here are a few things you may need to know.

First, there will be a few changes to lunch. The largest of these being that all freshmen will have access to open campus lunch, whereas previously, only freshmen in good standing could apply for open campus lunch at the start of the second semester.

Lunches A and B will have a more balanced number of students in each.

In addition to this lunch change, students will no longer be allowed to eat lunch in the hallways. 

There will also be changes to breakfast serving times. Breakfast will now be served before first hour starts and also between first and second hour. In the past, students had taken breakfast as an excuse to miss class, which will no longer be an option.

Next, green slips will no longer be given out to tardy students. Students should now check their emails before first hour for any issues from the previous day and second hour for detentions, notifications, errors, and Excel. If an error occurred, students must take it upon themselves to email the teacher to rectify the issue.
As for rules, teachers will be more strict with a few rules: no hoods or hats in the building, no abusive language, no obnoxious or rude behavior, and no cell phones during teaching.

Downstairs, counselors will now be moving up a grade level to assist the same students for their remaining years of high school. So instead of grade-level counselors, students will have the same counselors throughout high school.

In addition to this, methods for contacting counselors are also changing. It is now encouraged that you first plan a time to meet with your counselor by email or by scanning a QR code on the counselors’ doors to fill out a form. With both methods, students simply express their issue and the urgency of it so that a meeting can be easily planned.

Speaking of counseling, Career Cruising will be replaced by a new, more user-friendly system called Xello. More information will be given for this at the beginning of the 2nd quarter.

First Week Schedule

Tuesday, September 3: Revised bell schedule, all students report to homeroom to receive Chromebooks and schedules and for a welcome back video.

Wednesday, September 4: Regular bell schedule, all students report to Homeroom for Excel

Thursday, September 5: Regular bell schedule, all students report to Homeroom for Excel

Friday, September 6: Regular bell schedule, all students report to the fieldhouse at the end of third hour for an all-school assembly during excel.

Have a great school year!