Twenty One Pilots takes emotion to the next level with new Trench album

January 23, 2019
On July 11, 2018, Twenty One Pilots broke silence from their one-year hiatus and released two new songs “Jumpsuit” and “Nico and the Niners”, with “Jumpsuit” accompanied by a music video. Later “Nico and the Niners” followed with a music video.
The two new songs show similar taste from their past hits “Stressed Out,” “Ride,” and “Heathens,” but it brought a weird feeling of difference making the songs more unique from the past albums songs. Trench, the newest album released on October 5, 2018, is filled with fourteen news songs ranging from a more slow song to a fast pace rapping beat.
At the start, three songs from the album told a story mostly in a video, but the songs shared a hint from past songs. The best example is “Levitate,” which released early August of this year completing the storyline of the three-part series which brought ties with a popular song they released back in 2013 called “Car Radio.”
When the released date was slowly creeping up, the fanbase was getting very nervous and excited not knowing what this album could bring. Trench is highly different from their past albums, but the album didn’t destroy anything as it brought little to no dislikes among the fans.
The song “Legend” really hit people hard with its early 2000s documentary beat, but the part that made fans tear up was the fact that the song was about the lead singer Tyler Joseph’s grandfather who sadly passed away during the hiatus. The part that made it worse was that their third album Vessel had both Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph’s grandfathers as the cover photo for the album.
To many people, this may seem meh for a band that tends to make music about serious topics like depression, antisocial, murder, etc. And like always there were songs that targeted such topics.
One of those songs was “Morph.” The song talked about being someone they don’t know and someone else towards everyone. Someone who doesn’t feel emotions and becomes someone else, which is related to the Antisocial Personality Disorder Sociopath.
The album truly takes you on a roller coaster of emotions. One minute you are listening to a song that gives you confidence, and then the next thing you know you are hit with a ball of sadness.
“Neon Gravestones is a song that is full of harmless sounds but the lyrics are filled with dark and depressing words. This song talks about a very serious topic of how the world treats a person who claims their lives and how the country reacts to this issue. And one of the most powerful quotes from that song is, “I’ll mourn for a kid, but won’t cry for a king.” This lyric has been heavily placed onto the fact of how a nation can ignore a child dying but they cry for when a politician or celebrity passes.
Since the band was founded back in 2009, plenty of songs have made their way to the charts. So far, this new album has seen “Jumpsuit” and “Nico and the Niners” getting #1 and #2 the day of their release on the iTunes Charts.
The next song that seems to be making its way to popularity is “My Blood.” This is the fourth song from the album to be given a music video. The song shows similar taste to a past song from one of their previous albums. The song is called Trees. A song that has the theme of support and hope. In the music video for “My Blood,” you are greeted with a sad story of a boy who loses his mother due to birth and along with the death of his unborn baby brother. But the boy is comforted by his older brother and helps the boys get through his life with high school jocks, girls, and parties. But it is then at the end of the music revealed that the older brother never existed. And that the boy created him to bring comfort to his, life after his loss of his mother and baby brother.
On October 20, 2018, Twenty One Pilots played live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the fourth concert on The Bandito Tour. The concert opened with screaming fans and a car on fire on stage with the start of “Jumpsuit.” The concert showcased many of the new songs, but the band gave a gift to the older fans by singing one of the oldest songs by the band called “Taxi Cab.”
Trench being performed live gives the same emotions you feel well listening to the album at home. Joseph (Lead Singer) and Dun (Lead Drummer) want the fans to feel like part of the show from playing little games with music all the way to making fans feel wanted and needed in the world. But they always keep traditions with ending their concerts with an older song called “Trees.”
Twenty One Pilots has inspired millions with their music and they have affected the music industry forever. They decided to tackle topics some artist are too scared to do. They know what the people want and what they need so the band gives them music to listen to during those hard times in life. Joseph and Dun have accomplished many awards but the most famous is their Grammy. They were excited to win it well they walked onto the stage in their underwear.
Trench is their fourth album and shows a promising future for the band and for future albums.