Officer Vang heading back to detective work

North will have a new liaison after three years

Arianna Stiebs, Writer/Photographer


Next year, Oshkosh North will have a new officer policing the halls.

Oshkosh Police officer Chee Vang will return to his previous job as a detective effective June 2, ending his three-year reign as the school’s police liaison officer.

While Vang will leave North, North will never leave Vang.

“I loved it here at north  loved working with kids and staff, it makes me like my job all about problem-solving and understanding each other helping each other when upset, helping people understand my job is to help people to understand life is precious.”

Vang started in 2019, only for COVID-19 to shut the school down.

“It felt like a wasted year with kids,” Vang says.

However, he feels like he accomplished what he set out to do when he chose to come here in the first place.

“I wanted to build that relationship with the students I asked the chef if he was willing to let me come here because I know I can help them and have faith with myself to help.”

When he was a detective, Vang started the Start Up program through which Vang worked with juveniles who received a referral for extra help. Vang offered help with mental health, health coaching, personal training, physical fitness, and community service to help students find more meaning in life. 

He will continue Step Up and hopes the teachers he has met will refer students to him.

The program is one part of why Vang chose to leave. The other stems from his desire to keep his detective position. Prior to working in the school, Vang spent 11 of his 16 years with the department working as a detective. 

“If I don’t go back and I lose my spot I’m no longer a detective and go back to patrol shift and he cant coach teams. If I get patrol, I might end up with second shift again, which means less time with my family. So, it provides security for myself and my family, and I get to run my [Step Up] program fully.”

Vang is married, and he and his wife have three children.

“I’m a family guy.”

Even though officer Vang is leaving the job he’s not leaving the school, “Phenomenal place to go and work in, fun and no hiding, and no fakeness, even though kids are angry and mad that shows you trust me and makes me proud and that’s my cue to come in.” Officer Vang will always be here “I’m going to be here no matter what, I’m going to recruit these kids to stay in contact,” and teachers can still have access to his email. 

Officer Vang also wants all teenagers to take control of their space.

“Don’t point fingers. You have control over everything in your zone. Don’t worry about anyone else around you. Control your space. Don’t worry about rumors. Only you can control how you react to things.” 

Even though officer Vang will be going back to his old job, he will bring a part of North with him, and he hopes to keep regular contact with the students and staff, supporting them in their development.