Competing wraps up for mathletes

Max Yanacek, Writer

Since October 1, 2018, this year’s Spartan math team had been attending monthly meets with other Fox Valley high schools.

The team travels to hosting schools and competes in a series of tests in the form of worksheets: four individually and one as a team. These tests contain problems from algebra, geometry, algebra two, and even some basic pre-calculus.

“The tests are challenging but also very exciting!” adviser and math teacher Keith Ruff said. “It’s a type of math different from anything else.”

Once corrected the tests are returned and awards are given to the schools and students with the most points for correctly answering questions, although it is not all about the awards.

Ruff said, “It gives those students who are good in math an opportunity to show their math strengths and skills and challenges them to do different kinds of math problems.”

The club also goes beyond math benefits.

“Math club teaches great teamwork, especially on the North team!” Ruff said. “And, math club always looks good on college resumes.”

Any Oshkosh North high school student can join: from freshmen to seniors, no matter what math class or skill level. There are no requirements, practices, or high expectations–except a passion for math.

“I joined math club because I enjoy doing math,” member Joe Sarnowski said. “Math club has been a great opportunity for me to improve my math skills and have fun with my friends.”

The team’s final meet took place on Monday, March 11, 2019, at Oshkosh West.

However, the team always welcomes new members.  If you are an Oshkosh North student who enjoys math and may be interested in math club for the 2019-2020 school year, feel free to contact Mr. Ruff in room 100.